
Meet our labels

The paraDIGMA Group labels work closely together to create awareness around sustainable employability. For your organization and for everyone working in the organization. Meet our labels and find out what they can do for your organization.





Take care of yourself: be fit, stay fit or get fit. It's a mission to everyone. Themes such as health and vitality are becoming increasingly important to organizations. After all, as an employer, you want your employees to be and stay fit at work; both physically and mentally. The goal of getFIT: helping managers and employees in organizations to be and stay vital. Why getFIT with its team of vitality coaches is committed to fit and healthy employees? Because fit and vital employees are much less likely to be absent than non-fit employees. It's as simple as that. getFIT sees vitality as prevention!

PSION stands for Psychical Interventions and Support Netherlands. When an employee drops out due to psychological complaints, it is important to start professional counseling as soon as possible. PSION's psychologists help organizations and their employees in preventing and dealing with psychological complaints. Not by applying labels, but by focusing on the human being with all his possibilities and (temporary) limitations. If an employee is unable to perform his or her job (properly) due to psychological complaints, it is not useful to determine how deep the well is, or what it looks like. Far more interesting is determining a way out of the pit. PSION's approach is therefore not about theory or diagnoses and protocols, but about finding a solution that works. Work is important here. Being active helps!