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The meaning of sustainable employment
Sustainable employment is a common term. At paraDIGMA Group, we see sustainable employment as follows: the degree to which employees want (motivation) and are able (ability) to continue working, whether or not with the same employer (employability), until retirement age and with the ability to have control over this themselves(personal leadership).
Responsibility sustainable employment
Sustainable employment comes from both sides. The responsibility lies not only with the employee, but also largely with the employer. The employee is responsible for picking a job and work that he or she likes and is appropriate. The employer's responsibilities are a positive organizational culture, good working conditions and high quality of work.
Why is sustainable employment important?
Sustainable employment in the workplace is very important. When employees are sustainably employable, it ensures that they have less absenteeism than employees who are not. This is because the engagement, sense of responsibility and commitment of sustainably employed employees is much higher. And the fewer employees who are absent, the more money you save. Also, sustainably employed employees are fitter and more motivated. As a result, they experience more job satisfaction and labor productivity increases.
"Employing your organization sustainably, for now and later"